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The Unstoppable Power of Branding and Storytelling

A business owner writes in a notebook while creating a brand story. A laptop and cup of coffee reside beside them on the desk.

Branding your business is a serious undertaking. Many moving parts must come together to make your brand strategy successful, from logos to imagery, fonts, key messages, and mission statements— every element matters.

When each element is executed well, your brand strategy will connect your audience to your mission, vision, and values deeply and meaningfully, establishing long-term loyalty that transcends the typical transactional experience. It creates a true bond between your ideal customer and your business.

But there’s one element in particular that has to be on point to make it happen, and that’s your brand narrative— the story of who you are and how you serve your customers.

The Connection Between Branding and Storytelling

Every business has an identity, whether it’s actively shaping that identity or not. Your target audience forms a perception of you based on their interactions with your employees, the quality of your products or services, online reviews, etc. Some of these factors you can control while others, like word of mouth, are more elusive.

This is where the connection between branding and storytelling really shines. Your brand story is a factor you can craft thoughtfully and strategically present to your audience. Plus, it’s one of the most effective aspects of any marketing strategy, since it contributes to how well every other aspect of your brand resonates with your ideal customer. If people connect with your brand story, chances are they’ll connect with your core values and greater vision, too. 

Let’s explore the benefits of brand storytelling a little more closely.

7 Brand Storytelling Benefits

1. It Humanizes Your Business

A brand story transforms your business from a faceless entity to a relatable and authentic presence. It allows your audience to better understand why you do what you do, while also associating your brand with specific traits or characteristics, like dependability, sophistication, or playfulness.

2. It Makes Your Message Memorable

Storytelling in branding isn’t just about embracing creativity. It’s actually a strategic best practice. Why? Because studies show that stories are 22X more memorable than facts and data alone

It’s important to remember that when you turn information into a captivating story, you're not just sharing facts—you're creating an unforgettable experience.

3. It Establishes a Shared Purpose

To fully answer the question “Why do brand stories matter?” we have to think about the psychology of how humans form emotional bonds. Research shows that sharing the same goals as someone else makes us more likely to have a positive outlook of that person. The same psychology applies to how consumers view brands.

People are far more likely to trust brands that share their goals, beliefs, and vision for the future.

4. It Emphasizes Company Values

Creating a brand story is one of the most influential ways to communicate what you stand for and the moral code you operate from. Whether it's integrity, innovation, or community— your narrative is a chance to explain, in vivid detail, what consumers can expect from your business and the people who represent it. 

5. It Sets You Apart From Competitors

It’s estimated that the average person sees between 6,000 to 10,000 ads every single day— meaning it’s never been more challenging to capture consumer attention. So, what should businesses do about it?

Crafting a compelling brand narrative is one of the most effective solutions. In fact, 55% of people say they’re more likely to purchase from a business after connecting with its brand story. It’s all about providing the opportunity for your target audience to feel a genuine connection.

6. It Builds Trust and Credibility

You have to exude authenticity if you want to become a consumer’s go-to brand. Remember, when you're not transparent about your values, actions, or intentions, consumers perceive it as deceitful or insincere.

This has never been a more urgent concern than it is today. Social media platforms have made it possible for negative sentiments to travel almost instantaneously. Plus, many consumers have been burned or let down by brands who promised one thing but did (or delivered) another.

Your brand story is a chance to reassure your audience that you’ll walk the talk and that you have their best interests at heart.

7. It Creates a Consistent Voice

Branding and storytelling are an essential part of establishing consistent interactions with your audience across every touchpoint. Whether someone is visiting your website, scrolling your social media feed, or viewing one of your advertisements— sticking to one brand narrative ensures they get the same impression of who you are, what you stand for, and what they can expect from you.

A pen sits on top of a plain white notepad, representing the process of creating a brand story.

How to Write a Compelling Brand Story

We’ve covered why branding and storytelling are important— but you’re probably wondering where to start in terms of using a story to strengthen your marketing strategy.

Here are a few quick tips for crafting a brand story that shines:

1. Pick a Relatable Protagonist

Generally, you want the protagonist of your brand story to be someone who represents your target audience. 

If you’re a brand that makes environmentally conscious products for babies, for example, your protagonist would likely be a new mom who cares about finding safe, natural, and sustainable products for her child.

Ultimately, you want your audience to see themselves in the hero of your story and to root for their success. 

2. Include a Challenge or Conflict

All great stories are made up of twists and turns. Otherwise, they’d fail to maintain our interest. When crafting your brand narrative, remember that people relate most to real people with real struggles or obstacles to overcome. Don’t shy away from sharing the raw realities of what your protagonist is experiencing. It will only make your story more relatable!

3. Bring the Reader to a Satisfying Resolution

You never want to leave your audience with loose ends or question marks. Instead, they should feel inspired to interact with your brand or—even better— invest in the solution you’re offering.

Think about how you can give your audience that “aha” moment. How can you make them feel understood, empowered, or like they’ve gained something valuable?

The right conclusion for your story lies in the answer to that question!

From Concept to Brilliance:
Let’s Make Your Brand Story Shine

Dee Higdon, Brand Strategist, sits smiling at a desk with her laptop.

As your content marketing consultant, it’s my job to uncover what makes you shine brightest and infuse it into every aspect of your marketing— including your brand story. 

I use a combination of persuasive writing techniques, brand positioning tactics, and target audience research to craft a story that not only captivates your audience, but supports your greater business goals.

So, are you ready to dazzle the world with your brilliance? It all starts with a brand strategy that’s everything you need it to be.